Nightsession, der Park brennt – further questions?
Geschrieben am 12.04.2009
Eigentlich ist dem Titel sogut wie nichts hinzuzufügen. Wers verpasst hat tut mir leid und ist wohl selber schuld. Geiles Wetter, Kamotes Setup, noch kamotere Crowd und Alkohol und Party hoch ³.
Viel Spaß mit der Auswahl an Shots, da die Bilder ohnehin für sich sprechen bin ich zu faul sinnlos zu kommentieren.
Zum Abschluss ein riesen Shoutout an die Lienzer Sunsitparkcrew, was ihr jedes Jahr mit Schweiß und harter Arbeit am Zettersfeld aufstellts, ist schon legendär. Wir freun uns auf die kommende Saison und wünschen an kamoten Sommer!
Cheers, ride on
Juli 6th, 2015 at 04:48
1 Please explain why it was not mratial arts or nijitsu for 4 years in the preparation of this 2 him adventure sports like skydiving, surfing, (wetsuits keep you nice and warm even in winter), snowboarding, skateboarding, kite surfing or kite surfing (good), etcgreatvalues, c is with science subjects and especially the trust helfen.Auch fewer drugs than most natural high and can not make chicken are called when many weeks involved in diving with a shark jumping out of a plane and surfing. .. (All good for the child, picked last in football) 3 Give him all the help he needs to get girlfriends (above what even if it’s only kiss). See also, he knows everything about sex, ie what is a bj, he can say what ru stupid 4? Guitar lessons (girl like MUSO) 5 Gt bare him things to do to get into trouble on purpose ie go punky hair bright green and refuse to leave the room when the teacher a problem with it (1.Non goody good, 2 air cool, 3 has not really done anything to hurt others, you get 4 girls) 6 Help Witze7 well. this will sound weird, but seriously you rent the movie Cool Runnings on jamacan first bobsled team and want t mirror on the bathroom Szene.8.) Make sure he knows all about drugs do not take means, however, that he can watch fk head I do not want o fking headache popper u have a problem with that I do not propose to say mumsey wumsey, do not be tun9 drugs) Hes a boy It will develop an interest in porn, it will start to throw out, do not know if in 11 years or tweoo have father or older brother did even better wtc know thats just not cool in front of the girlfriend another bar or kill his confidence with girls and confused ihn.10) Get it should Martial arts also allows things like break dance classes to people like Pineapple Dance Studio Covent Garden.stellen sure it is not goody goody clearn squeeky could socialize Magic tricks, card tricks and jokes with a little help, but after lookjs rebelleous and other adventure sports most and get good with girls importnant